Where Should A Gun Safe Be Installed In The Home?

When it comes to gun safety, proper storage is essential. In some cases, it may actually come down to the difference between life and death. Generally, you will want to make sure that your gun safe is stored in a place that can be easily accessed by you and is invulnerable to fires, moisture damage, theft, etc. There are a few areas of the home that are better than others for you to install your gun safe. Keep reading to learn what these are.

Water-Resistant Areas

Due to the fact that moist conditions can result in damage to the safe and the guns inside, it is a good idea to store them in climate-controlled areas. Basements are great, but you need to make sure that you put in a dehumidifier. However, if the area that you live in is vulnerable to flooding, the basement is not a good idea. Instead, you will want to make sure that your gun safe is stored in a first-story room of the house.

Fireproof Areas

Generally, you shouldn't store the gun safe anywhere near a fireplace, kitchen, or any other heating element. While garages aren't often thought of as a place to store guns, the concrete slab in this area will ensure that the safe is protected from fire damage. For additional security, consider mounting the gun safe to the floor or wall of the garage.

In the bedroom

Many individuals opt to store their safes in their bedrooms since it is generally the most private space in the home. One thing that you could do is make sure that the gun safe is included in the design scheme of the master bedroom, which will allow it to be camouflaged with the décor. In doing this, the gun safe will be successfully hidden from your children as well as anyone else that comes into the home and doesn't need to find or mess with the guns.

Hidden from Burglars

It's particularly important that your gun safe is kept out of sight for burglars who may potentially breach your home. If burglars are a possible concern, there are a couple of places that you should seriously consider having your gun safe installed: the bedroom closet or the basement. Both of these areas generally go unnoticed by thieves.

For more information about gun safes and where they should be installed, get in touch with a company like Colorado Safes.
