Is It Time To Repair Your Deadbolt Lock? Here Are Three Telltale Signs

Deadbolt locks are great burglar-deterrent locking systems for residential use. They feature a sturdy metal strike plate that prevents intruders from breaking through your home easily. Deadbolt locks can last long with proper maintenance. However, failure to maintain them can lead to damage. Unfortunately, a failing exterior lock can significantly affect your home's security. Thus, look out for these three problems that signal the need for lock repairs.

Loose Locking Cylinder

When you insert a key into your lock, only the key should turn and engage the lock. If the cylinder moves together with the key, it means the lock isn't working correctly. A loose cylinder won't lock your door. Thus, if you're not careful to note this problem, you may leave your door unlocked and your home exposed to potential intrusion.

This problem arises due to a malfunction in the system. The screws that hold the cylinder in place may be loose or damaged. Unfortunately, fixing this issue isn't a DIY job. Deadbolts have complicated locking mechanisms that require professional handling. Thus, to avoid damaging the lock further, contact a residential locksmith for repairs.

Jammed or Seized Lock

Is your lock seizing up when you insert a key? Are you having a hard time getting the key to turn inside the deadbolt? Jammed or seized locks can be a nightmare, especially if you're in a hurry to leave your home. Jamming may occur due to these reasons:

  • Poor maintenance, which leads to the accumulation of dirt inside the locking system
  • Lack of lubrication, causing the metal parts within the cylinder to jam
  • Broken or damaged door latch or lock

Proper maintenance can help prevent lock seizures. You need professional lock cleaning to get rid of accumulated dirt and debris. If you live in a dusty neighborhood, you need to clean your exterior locks more often. During this process, remember to lubricate the lock. If you have a damaged lock, you need to repair it. Don't open the lock forcefully, as this may damage the key.

Misaligned Locking System

If you've recently had unprofessional door repairs, you may be faced with an alignment problem. Deadbolt misalignment occurs because of improper door lock installation. It causes the door lock to jam, and this can lead to a lockout. Misalignment may also happen because of a worn door or door frame. 

When the door or frame wears out due to age or inclement weather, it prevents the lock's mechanisms from working as they should. In most cases, this means that the door bolt doesn't align correctly with the strike plate. Misalignment forces users to apply unnecessary pressure when operating the lock. This can cause the key or latch to break. You need to repair the lock and door frame to fix this problem.

Have you encountered any of these lock problems? Contact a professional locksmith for residential lock repairs.
